Pastiche for Voice and live electronics Video →
Gesture Studies #1 for Flute, Saxophone, sensors and live electronics Trailer → Video →
Receding Horizons for two E-Guitars and live electronics Video →
Yellow Moon for Cello and live electronics Video →
Shimmer for Cymbals and live electronics Video → Audio (excerpt) →
A Living Thread - Erik Oña in memoriam - acousmatic Video →
Flash for Piano solo Recording →
Cirrus for Accordion solo Recording →
Animate for Bassoon solo Recording →
Three micro-études for Cello solo Recording →
To oneself for Flute solo Recording →
Four Piano Miniatures after paintings by Maria Frank Abrams Video →
Chamber / Ensemble:
Silver Current for String Quartet Recording →
Speechless for 6 Voices Recording →
Time Passes Time for 14 Instruments Recording →
as we were here now – tunnels, mountains, open fields
for Flute, Violin, Accordion, Piano, Percussion and Electric Guitar Recording →
Fable for 12 Instruments Recording →
Zohar (Iridescence) for Wind Quintet
Many Spaces for Bass Flute and Acoustic Guitar Recording →
Ice Flow for Two Bass Flutes Recording →
Terrain for Accordion Trio Recording →
Lavan for Accordion and Cello Recording →
Kaleidoscope for two high Recorders Recording →
Living Machine for Bass Flute, Bass Clarinet and Bassoon Recording →
Sonatas and Interludes (with Scarlatti) for 8 musicians Recording →
a glimmer of light... for Flute, Violin and Cello Recording →
Itinerant for sextet Recording →
© Omri Abram 2020
Artwork by Maria Frank Abrams